Monday, September 28, 2020

Create a More Respected Resume - General Manager Resume Writers

Create a More Respected Resume - General Manager Resume WritersGeneral Manager resumes writers can work in any organization that requires them. If you are considering this career path, this article is designed to help you start writing. You will find out how to develop your personal brand and what the skills required are.What types of items should a general manager to be included on an organization's list? The top priority should be the success of the organization. You must be involved in any decisions or discussions about strategy, revenue generation, management and products.Before you can write a general manager resume, you will need to take some time to think about what this job entails. You will need to set yourself apart from other applicants for the position. Being committed to your craft and able to speak to all audiences is necessary.For an owner needs to know what to do next. An owner should know what his team can achieve, not just the immediate future. A good GM has to take charge of these aspects and direct all employees to make progress in a consistent manner.They will need to do research into their company, their corporate mission statement and what they are trying to achieve. You will need to get an understanding of what they are trying to accomplish. It is not enough to just take what they say at face value.This is why you will also need to have some technical skills in order to write a successful general manager resume. For example, if you are going to write a letter of recommendation, you need to be able to correctly phrase it. The business owner needs to read the letter and be able to tell you why they hired you.If you feel that your skills are up to the task, you should also consider looking at the organization's mission statement. It is important to understand what the organization is about before it hires you. Some organizations will run an interview process to find out more about you.This will enable you to provide information about differ ent positions within the organization. You can even use this information as a springboard for other information, which can be used on the organization's general manager resume. Your professional and educational background should be outlined so that they can view your best attributes.If you are a skilled person, you can be very detailed with your resume. When your employer reads your resume, they will be able to read it very quickly. However, if you have a knack for understatement or rewriting a section, this may not be the best place to focus your energies.If you want to write a highly professional and comprehensive manager resume, you should hire a manager resume writer. This will allow you to stay focused and ensure that you can create a strong document that is written with passion. They are able to get you the information you need, the job you want and the best way possible to be perceived.Remember that you can have complete flexibility to express yourself. A manager resume shoul d be able to promote you as an expert in your chosen area. You can build a strong resume by emphasizing your expertise.To summarize, you will want to develop your own professional style and use several different methods to showcase your passion. You should consider the things you need to have to become a successful general manager resume writer.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Happy Hour giveaway - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Party time giveaway - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog Im doing a book giveaway on join beneath to get an opportunity to win a duplicate of my book :) Goodreads Book Giveaway Party time Is 9 to 5 by Alexander Kjerulf Giveaway closes July 21, 2014. See the giveaway subtleties at Goodreads. Enter to win A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most well known articles. What's more, on the off chance that you need increasingly incredible tips and thoughts you should look at our pamphlet about satisfaction at work. It's extraordinary and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Monday, September 14, 2020

Tiffani Thiessens morning routine hack is something we can all do more of

Tiffani Thiessen's morning schedule hack is something we would all be able to accomplish a greater amount of Tiffani Thiessen's morning schedule hack is something we would all be able to accomplish a greater amount of Of the considerable number of characters on Saved by the Bell you know Kelly Kapowski was certainly a morning individual (you must be lively at those early daytime cheerleading practices.) And it turns out the lady that made her such a darling character, Tiffani Thiessen, is as well. Her mystery for getting her and her two small kids out the entryway quicker in the first part of the day is being a definitive prepper. I am the mother that gets garments out the prior night. I get the lunch boxes and water bottles prepared, she told Ladders at the SheKnows Media #BlogHer18 Creators Summit . This love of prep has helped the actress, who additionally featured on Beverly Hills 90210 and White Collar and now the Netflix arrangement Alexa and Katie, dispatch another vocation in food. Some time before Zack Morris came long, food was really Thiessen's first love. I was consistently that young lady with the women of the family in the kitchen and afterward making a trip to Europe when I was 16 b loomed that adoration for food into the way of life. Experiencing passionate feelings for French food and French wine and afterward Spanish food and Spanish wine so that actually certainly made my heart and stomach greater for that piece of my life, she said.She's back in the kitchenThis drove her to think of a thought for a preparing show called Dinner at Tiffani's which went on for three season on The Cooking Channel. A great many people would do books then TV, yet I did the inverse. In any case, I originated from TV so it seemed well and good. In any case, presently she has a book, Pull up a Chair: Recipes From My Family To Yours (out October 2), that fuses that adoration for arrangement. She expounds on a cherry and maple granola she and her youngsters make and afterward eat all week.Though she compliments her incredible co-essayist just as picture taker for the book she conceded that composing a book takes a great deal of effort. Putting a cookbook together resembles birthing a kid with four hard corners, she said during her discussion at the highest point. Like her cooking appear, the book makes certain to prevail as Thiessen's foodie love is unadulterated and true. People can see when things are not natural, and my affection for food is absolutely natural, Thiessen said. Lady's instinct isn't a joke. It's actual, it's genuine.

Monday, September 7, 2020

What We Can Do To Make Sure That Never Going Back To The Way Things Were Is A Good Thing

What We Can Do To Make Sure That Never Going Back to the Way Things Were Is a Good Thing In our current situation, there are a few types of social media users emerging: I expect that as the November election draws closer and this crisis continues, this will only get more obvious. Notice whose posts you’re most likely to click “read more”, read through the comments, or comment yourself. It doesn’t seem to matter, actually, what kind of poster you are, you’re getting it, too!  You’re getting people debating, sometimes all-out fighting and name-calling, even if you intended to post something neutral or innocent. It seems like right now, you can’t ask for advice or call out people for following or not following the rules without creating conflict. These are really tough times. How do you navigate social media when you are trying to stay connected in one of the few ways you can, but don’t want to feel more disconnected from people by learning how differently you actually think about the past, current, and future states of this situation? Last week I called for everyone to give themselves and each other grace because we are all grieving to some degree, and we’ll move in and out of the phases of grief. We are all craving some normalcy! Some of us are looking for that silver lining, so we’re sharing how self-isolation is helping the environment, and how people are using their idle time to serve others â€" make masks, drop off groceries  and show our people on the front lines how much they are appreciated. We feel relief from the power of the human spirit, starkly contrasting the rampant cynicism of the human spirit. We feel relief from those who want to place blame, hold people accountable and point out how wrong we got it, all the way to believing that the deep state is up to severely depraved antics. They are both undeniable parts of our world, and they both serve a greater purpose. Mental illness was already an epidemic, with the Gen Z generation suffering the highest rates. Ironically, they are also the generation who, so far, had enjoyed one of the best economies, though many saw their parents struggle in the last recession. The generation who should be the most connected is feeling the most misunderstood, anxious, and depressed. It wasn’t all peaches and cream before this happened! The economy may have been booming, but there were real problems suffered by swaths of the population â€" underemployment, living paycheck to paycheck, bank-breaking healthcare costs, homelessness, mass shootings, etc. And here we are with much less distraction, time to devise solutions (if we can keep our state of mind clear and calm), and time to consume updated information on new subjects. One of the keys to mental wellness you probably have heard me tout before is to balance  consumption with creation. I don’t mean just social media posts. I mean â€" whitepapers, e-books, manifestos, novels, songs, poems, cartoons, but more importantly, SOLUTIONS! While I’ve been crafting a course in corporate conscious leadership, I have wanted to put a spotlight on companies who are strong case studies for conscious leadership practices (which I’ve done, finally â€" do send me stories to include!). I’ve also been tempted to shame and punish companies who are making unconscious leadership decisions, and sometimes they are one and the same! Shaming and punishing leaders who have made unconscious leadership decisions feels right (altruistic punishment) AND it has worked, e.g. Chick Fil A stopped funding camps that the ban/bash the LGBTQ community. I’ve certainly put a spotlight on some consequences corporate leaders have suffered because of unconscious leadership. After all, a company is comprised of many, many different people who won’t all think or act alike, even if they were hired because of their alignment with company values and culture. People change all the time. They do! They can suffer from situational greed after enjoying some notoriety and start making decisions for glory rather than for good. They can also decide that the success they’ve enjoyed was hollow and commit the rest of their career to make a positive difference. The thing is, it’s not Joe Shmoe on the internet that is converting an unconscious leader into a conscious leader. It’s that leader’s inner circle and the authorities that he or she must answer to that often convert this leader. It’s being able to see how decisions ultimately impact people that he or she empathize with. So, you’d have to be someone who could elicit empathy, not someone who attacks, shames, or insults them. That said, how can we/you make sure that we create a silver lining and use this disruption of our daily lives to make this change the start of something beautiful? Create solutions and share what is working. That sounds so simple, right? No. Unfortunately. We are more judgmental than ever and we are also more fragile than ever. So, it really takes courage to: I get it! So many of the problems our society previously faced didn’t impact our lives directly or daily. And what power or time did we have to change it anyway? Well, for those furloughed, laid-off, or on extended leave who are healthy, time has now been gifted to you. Power comes from influence and that is absolutely a skill that you can learn now! The course I mentioned on conscious leadership has major modules on successfully soliciting sponsorship for change initiatives of all sizes, big and small, how-tos and when-tos on presenting change initiatives to the powers that be (even highly resistant powers that be,) and how to manifest empathy that inspires open-mindedness and cooperation. Remember that problem of keeping your mind clear and calm so that you can solve problems better? It has strategies for that, too. We can make sure that we don’t just simply go back to the broken ways that were. As MLK said,  â€œPeople who love peace need to be as organized as those who love war.” I really don’t think there is a lack of solutions â€" by far! The issue is that even while we are at home not raising our voices in mass, the noise in this world is getting continually louder! A few people are managing to squeak by, go viral, reach the very top, and influence change, but is that change moving us toward a better world? We need conscious leaders everywhere â€" at every level of leadership, in all industries, governments, and institutions. We need problem developers AND we need successful people who are willing to leverage their past corporate success to elevate these solutions when they’re shown how. Unconscious decisions are being made every day that DO impact you and your daily life. This whole situation is Exhibit A. Some will be content to go back to ignoring most of the world’s, the country’s, their company’s problems, but some will never be able to unsee what they now, in this stillness, can see quite clearly, and they won’t be able to go back to life as they knew it. They won’t be able to look at their kids and reassure them that everything will be okay. They won’t be able to stay quiet, but they also probably won’t be able to effectively influence positive change, either, by playing keyboard hero on their own social media page or by debating with strangers online. But they CAN learn how to effectively influence positive change, AND they won’t do it alone! Is that you? Right now, I’m looking for 4 more conscious leaders to join my Corporate Consciousness Ripple Formula case study.  Book a call to see if being on the forefront of a revolution is your next move. Solutions to our problems either already exist, or they are being created right now in perfect time, but they will remain hidden, suppressed, and denied without conscious leaders to overcome that resistance. Join the revolution! NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED. “I See the Light” All those days watching in the windows All those years outside looking in All that time never even know… Karen Huller, author of  Laser-sharp Career Focus: Pinpoint your Purpose and Passion in 30 Days  (, is founder of Epic Careering, a 13-year-old leadership and career development firm specializing in executive branding and conscious culture, as well as JoMo Rising, LLC, a workflow gamification company that turns work into productive play.   While the bulk of her 20 years of professional experience has been within the recruiting and employment industry, her publications, presentations, and coaching also draw from experience in personal development, performance, broadcasting, marketing, and sales.   Karen was one of the first LinkedIn trainers and is known widely for her ability to identify and develop new trends in hiring and careering. She is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer, Certified Career Transition Consultant, and Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist with a Bachelor of Art in Communication Studies and Theater from Ursinus College and a minor in Creative Writing. Her  blog  was recognized as a top 100 career blog worldwide by Feedspot.   She is an  Adjunct Professor in Cabrini University’s Communications Department and previously was an  Adjunct Professor of Career Management and Professional Development at Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business  She is also an Instructor for the Young Entrepreneurs Academy where some of her students won the 2018 national competition, were named America’s Next Top Young Entrepreneurs, and won the 2019 People’s Choice Award.