Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Off-Blog Networking - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Personal Branding TV Episode 9 - On-Blog / Off-Blog Networking - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=aiWIx_ufMmI] Personal Branding TV is back, with another episode. This episode positions me with Boston College student Scott Bradley, who has a keen interest in networking and bridging strong business and social relationships. As you build your blog, extend your reach through social networks and connect to individuals that share similar interests, you can take that conversation off your blog, to further that relationship. Tune in, as I talk to Scott about how you can network in this fashion. On-blog = Posting and commenting on your blog and other blogs establishes a mutual interest point. Off-blog = With further interest and even geographical convenience, a conversation can be taken off-line, through an email, phone call or even a physical meeting. For more episodes, please visit the Personal Branding TV homepage.

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