Sunday, June 14, 2020

Theres No Success Like Failure

Theres No Success Like Failure Careers Consultant, Tom McAndrew on putting things in perspective. Success consists of going from  failure  to  failure  without loss of enthusiasm. Winston Churchill Were all made from stars We see many students around this time of year hitting the last stages of the graduate recruitment cycle. Some are ecstatic that theyve  been made an offer. Others are less so; after getting over the obstacles in their path, theyve  fallen at the final hurdle. To nearly get there and not succeed hurts. And it hurts quite a lot because you tried and tried and you didn’t get there. We encourage and console and urge them on but it still hurts. We tell them stories about students weve seen in similar positions who were finally successful, but we don’t think they believe us. Remember to get all the help you need from Career Zone if youre  not being as successful as you would wish. Help with an application form, a mock interview, or a talk through assessment centres really can make all the difference. You may also want to try the mindful approach. When you go home tonight, open your bedroom window. Put your head out (please note I said open it first). Look up and see that sky strewn with countless stars. The benign indifference of the universe. If the moon is up, have a look. Marvel that Humankind  has landed on it; in what was basically a tin can with less processing capacity than the laptop youre  probably viewing this on. Big universe, little you. “We are all of us in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” Oscar Wilde

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